Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sushi Boulder

        Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.
Edit and check your story on your own.

“OK let's get to work!”
"heeew this sushi boulder is so heavy I do not know how I can push it”.
“After all that pushing I feel hungry. Can I have a nibble?”
”yes.I can see some chopsticks”.
 The soldiers have to get home but they do not know which way to go to get back home.
So they go one way, the wrong way, to get home  and a huge ginger cat comes and they run as fast as they can but they were not fast enough to get away from the cat.
      At last  there was two more passageways to the soldiers go the correct way to get  back but there were 4 doors to go into it so they went into the first door. They saw  a baby so they had a look  around but there was no sign of their home.
     “  Where is our home?”.    

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